We are delighted to be working with Changes UK and the ladies who are taking part in the Road 2 Recovery programme at SAIS Solihull. We will be sailing together as 6 crew members and 2 sailing staff in July of this year once Covid restrictions lift. Fresh sea air and an open horizon will be even more needed by us all come that time.
The ladies are fund raising to pay for this trip and The Tectona Trust, our charity, is also supporting their voyage costs. The Tectona Trust work hard to raise funds to support those in recovery from mental health and all other areas of addiction for the opportunity of a life changing voyage on our traditional vessels.
All of the participants on the Road 2 Recovery including many who are not sailing with us have shared their stores in this wonderful article for International Women's Month and as part of the #choosetochallenge campaign. You can read the full article by clicking the link below.
Choose to challenge is not a new concept for us here at Sailing Tectona and in fact our founder Dr. Roger Crabtree believed strongly in different approaches in a clinical setting. All of his hard work established a programme with Plymouth University and we continue to work with them today. We provide the opportunity for medical students to undertake their elective placements as crew on Voyages of Recovery and as part of the ship maintenance team in the winter. This experience develops understanding and challenges stigmas surrounding addiction promoting a more holistic approach in future care environments.
If you want more information on this particular Voyage of Recovery or anything else about our work please get in touch!
We will be updating you on this voyage and all of our planned Voayges of Recovery for 2021.